Writing for the mental mind state

When I think about how I began in the mental mind state of getting healthy, the first thing I did was to write. I grabbed a notebook, and just began to jot down feelings, ideas, desires, wants, and needs. What I was doing at that very moment in time. How the day started, or how it was going. Any little thing. I wanted to become aware of my surroundings. What made me feel the way I felt, good or bad. This mental jotting, doodling became a way of expression. It opened my mind to be creative and the ability to think fluidly. Writing of issues, I was facing, and how I could move through the process. A gateway to help me in my daily motivation and journey. Daily sanity and grace. I believe, writing lets you freely speak your mind and thoroughly execute your thoughts.
Taking some time daily to write down some goals, motivation, or even a to do list. This will help clear your mind and get you through your daily process.
Have you taking any time to write down any thoughts lately? What are some things you write about that help you in your daily journey?
How to start, write down right now what you are thankful for. Go!
Legion of Noir